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Great attendance at Mural Talk and last chance to budget for West Quay

Thank you to everyone who attended on Monday for our open discussion - Murals in Newhaven?

We're extremely grateful that Chris Dixon (Ashford Borough Council) came to explain and answer questions about Ashford Unframed (Mural Festival 2023).

It was a beautiful summer evening and we have had lots of great feedback from attendees.

As well as discussing Ashford's project, residents had lots to say about the potential for murals to be included in as part of the public realm improvement project which is being co-funded by the Future High Streets Fund and Newhaven Town Deal:

West Quay Budgeting Tool closes Tuesday 20th June

This is your last chance to respond and / or share the Budgeting Tool for West Quay:

We want to know what you think most needs attention on the West Quay (an area being prioritised for the public realm improvement project).

West Quay is already really popular and is of course home to our local fishing fleet and RNLI Lifeboat Station.

Anything we do along this route should make it a better place for residents and visitors to spend time, walk, cycle, talk and be merry. Happy Budgeting!

Posted on 14th June 2023

by Guy McQueen