Look Back at - Results from Place Survey - Your Newhaven

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Results from Place Survey


Results from Place Survey

Pie chart showing satisfaction with outdoor recreation space

Why did we ask?


  • So you can tell us what matters most to you about Newhaven
  • To improve our understanding of where people want to go (or don’t want to go)
  • To check that the right outdoor spaces are being invested in and in the right ways 
  • To strengthen current projects
  • To inform future schemes.

What will we be doing as a result of your feedback? 


  1. Influencing current projects within Lewes District Council e.g., Fort Road Rec, Future High Streets Fund, Wayfinding & Signage.
  2. Discussing findings with the Newhaven Town Deal Board and local councillors so they can factor them into their decision making. 
  3. Highlighting the major concern over antisocial behaviour and the risk posed to planned investment - work closely with Sussex Police.
  4. Launching Newhaven Safe Spaces Map https://yournewhaven.commonplace.is/map/newhaven-safe-spaces

Your Favourite Things About Newhaven

Chart with category of Favourites

People (12%)

people image

Proud of their town and not willing to take any nonsense” 

“My neighbours” 

“People working hard to help others” 

“Sea Cadets”

"A sense of community and neighbourliness exists."

" Festivals, events, charity and volunteering all featured.  

Place (14%) 

Map point image

“It's a town, with a friendly, village atmosphere” 

“Small town, more friendly than large towns/cities"

 “The fact that outsiders don’t really realise what’s here”

 “Community events and festivals” 

“Freedom - not overly commercial or developed”

  • The town is distinguished from larger settlements – not a city or large town. There is an implicit concern that over-development or inappropriate development risks both the infrastructure and character of the town. 
  • Newhaven has assets and activities which are not all well known.
  • Food and drink also feature, namely West Quay Fisheries and pubs in Denton. Paradise Park too!

Significant Landmarks / Outdoor Space (57%) 

Outdoor space image

“it’s beautiful natural spaces” 

"We have amazingly good biodiversity, given it’s an industrial town. There’s a lot of great green spaces.” 

“West beach, not busy, has good rock pooling and looks like there's going to be more going on there.”

  • Geographic features e.g., Beaches, River, Sea, Downland were referred to most – unsurprisingly beaches and the sea most often.
  • Mention of green space is open to interpretation as there is access to recreational parks, nature reserves and agricultural land but comments suggest more attachment to ‘natural’ settings vs more formal outdoor space e.g., parks and gardens.  
  • The port, harbour and lighthouse are all mentioned, as is Newhaven Fort and the Skatepark / Pump Track.

Views / Walks (11%) 


“The view up the Ouse Valley from St Michael's Church or from the car park at Newhaven Fort… which is also one of my favourite places in the town.” 

“The walks and the views”

Strongly related to Landmarks / Outdoor space, views and walks involve routes and vantage points. We'll be making sure we can make more of these as part of our Wayfinding and Signage Programme.

Transport (Bus, Train, Ferry)
transport image “Excellent transport links to the continent, to London and along the coast”

  • Although transport infrastructure is a recognised concern, existing public transport links are valued
  • Cycling doesn’t feature (although it is acknowledged that cyclists use the Downs etc. reference Views / Walks and Landmarks / Outdoor Space)

Tide MIlls / East Beach

Pie chart on results of people who visit tidemills/east beach

Chart of how people travel there

Those who don’t visit Tidemills / East Beach were asked why. Key points:

Wayfinding is limited 

sign image “Never heard of it”

“Don’t know to get there on foot from Town Centre.”

Access is complicated

symbol“Used to, but now can't easily access with a buggy”

“Too far to walk with a toddler” 

“The car park is always full on a nice day." 

"The new Port Access Road should have a large car park built at the end for the beach.” 

“I do rarely, but it's too hard to get too as my wife has a heart condition, so the easiest route of parking in Beach Rd, then walking over the railway bridge, traipsing through the brambly undergrowth to cross the mill creek bridge, then more undergrowth & a fair walk to the beach, usually in hot weather, just isn't viable!”

McKinley Way is on people’s minds


"The logical route to East Beach has no car park and there is limited access, facilities or sense of arrival."


Parks and Gardens

Chart of which parks/gardens people spend time in

Chart asking which would people spend time in if different

chart of deterrents

Key points:

Antisocial behaviour the biggest deterrent


  • Major risk to investment – jeopardises future spend on the public realm
  • Feeling of unsafety
  • Perception that crime is not being policed – indicated by multiple incidents e.g., damage to tree at top of high street. Street drinking in Newhaven Square. Responses to this and other surveys on Your Newhaven
  • Applies to key areas identified in masterplan within town centre.

Poor maintenance is a major deterrent 
diagram, schematic, icon

Cleanliness has a close psychological link to safety and there are related issues such as overgrown vegetation providing cover for criminal activity. Also lighting.

  • This includes litter (and bins) – LDC responsibility to provide and clear bins, policing required for further deterrence. 

  • Both commercial and green areas are affected – applies to town centre and wider public realm

  • Overgrown vegetation and graffiti – external contractors are used. Police and court enforcement of graffiti.

Unattractive seating features highly (over 1/3rd of respondents)

  • Opportunities provided to improve seating as part of allocated funding and future projects.
  • Some public seating areas are currently experiencing antisocial behaviour issues – a need to work with  police and understand possible impacts alterations on these areas and alternatives. 
  • Wayfinding Strategy being further developed with consultation to ensure appropriate, sustainable, maintainable and accessible seating is installed in the future.

Lots of focus on town centre

a red and black logo “Cars parked on the pavement on the high street. Would be great to pedestrianise it during the day” 

“Always looks untidy and unkept. Needs more flowers, seating” 

“Town centre not attractive and too many street drinkers” 

“The high street and square parts of Newhaven aren't inviting. The commercial spaces are limited and often have day drinkers or those leaving the pubs. Limited outdoor seating for cafes to allow for engagement, and overall, not an inviting atmosphere... so much potential though!” 

“I think most people would use the town centre shops more if they were open later - the majority of Newhaveners commute and so existing business are available only to people who are retired or unemployed.”

Lack of shade, facilities and formal areas at parks: 
a bench under a tree“It would be great to create proper garden / social areas at the recreation grounds with trees and shade. The Level in Brighton is a good example of where a recreation ground space has been improved to create both recreational and social spaces with flower beds that are designed to attract insects and improve biodiversity.”

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
