Look Back at - West Quay Car Park (Commercial Business & Development) - Your Newhaven

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West Quay Car Park (Commercial Business & Development)


West Quay Car Park

After Image showing existing and additional entrance/ exit to West Quay Car Park
Image showing existing entrance/ exit to West Quay Car Park

Proposals for new Chapel Street entrance/exit


West Quay Car Park is located adjacent to Chapel Street, Newhaven, and accessed from the A259 via Riverside North. There is currently no entrance to the car park from Chapel Street itself.

In recent years, Lewes District Council has received complaints over parking problems that patients experience when attending Chapel Street and Quayside doctor surgeries, which are located at the end of Chapel Street. 

The main complaint being that, at times when the surgery car parks are full, patients have to either try and find local on-street parking or navigate the A259 one way system to access the nearest public car park (West Quay).

The two surgeries have a combined on site parking area of 24 spaces plus one disabled space, 16 of the spaces are allocated for staff and doctors. The leases for the two surgeries specify that on site parking is intended for staff, and not patients. 

A new entrance into the car park was therefore considered as a possible means of mitigation and a feasibility study commissioned.

The option to create a new entrance and exit for vehicles at West Quay Car Park is being re-proposed, following a postal survey to Chapel Street residents in July 2018. 

Why are we consulting again?

Lewes District Council acknowledge the limitations of maildrop surveys. Our consultation in 2018 yielded only nine responses. 

The responses received were also fairly evenly divided. Nonetheless, previous responses from residents are valued and will be factored in. The original survey and summary of responses can be viewed below.

View details of the 2018 Resident Survey

Document image preview

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