Look Back at - Results from Youth Survey - Your Newhaven

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Results from Youth Survey



We hear you. The struggle is real, but we will keep this interesting and useful (we also read all your comments).

Who responded?

399 of you. That’s a lot more than your older counterparts!

Another survey?

We know this isn’t the first survey for ‘young people’ in recent times. Sussex Community Development Association conduct an annual survey. Part of the reason Your Newhaven was created was to bring this all together in one place, so we’re all on the same page.

So why did we ask again?

We tried not to be repetitive or ask anything which wouldn’t yield useful data. The question about favourite season might be an exception - but perhaps we can give Spring a boost?

What should I take away from this?

  • Your answers help us understand what is happening in the town from your own perspective.
  • Reflect on all the opportunities you have available to you.
  • We launched our Safe Spaces Map in response to your answers. Please tell us more: Pin your comments on the Newhaven Safe Spaces Map


Life in Newhaven

Most of you have lived here your entire lives:

There's a lot to be positive about - almost 2/3 of you gave Newhaven a 4* or 5* Star review. That's even better than Premier Inn.

What do you want to do when you finish in education?


Home or Away?

Some of you said Newhaven was your favourite place, there was also mention of natural spaces just on our doorstep which is great! 

What can we learn from other places in the world?

Some of us can't wait to get home each day. Some of us work or study at home all day as it is:

Being part of, and contributing to, a healthy home environment is incredibly important; but so is being able to find enjoyable things to do away from home.

There are lots of great ways of spending time that don't involve clubs and organisations, but in case you want to try something new, we asked you about clubs in Newhaven...


Local Clubs

The list above isn't exhaustive and lots of people are members of clubs in nearby towns (Seaford, Lewes, Peacehaven etc.). 

You also told us about:

Army Cadets, Forest School, Seahaven Academy Table Tennis, Denton Table Tennis, Titan Fitness (Kids and Teens), Newhaven and Denton Guides, Seahaven District Scouts, Newhaven Youth for Christ.

We will be sharing these results with local clubs, and we'll let you know if they are offering any special taster sessions (though as a rule, you'll find they're always very friendly and accommodating if people want to try things out - just Google them and get in touch!)


High Street

We all know that the High Street needs some tender loving care. We really are trying to kick start a new era with:

1. Future High Street Streets projects to renovate the Old Co-Op Building and Dacre Road Car Park

2. Town Deal project to 're-connect our town' including routes into the High Street.

3. A separate Town Deal project to get the 1st floor of Newhaven Library back into use.

Your answers are a good reminder of current attitudes to this area of town and what you really think about. 

The results of this survey have been shared with the Newhaven Town Deal Board and will help us think how to involve you in future activity.

chart, bar chart

chart, bar chart

Finally...we asked what would make Newhaven more exciting. As well as the standard categories we provided, you added some great comments under 'Something else.' Take a look on the next page!

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Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
