Look Back at - Results from West Quay Budgeting Tool - Your Newhaven

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Results from West Quay Budgeting Tool


Results from West Quay Budgeting

Map of West Quay area

Chart showing survey results

Bar chart showing survey results

Why did we ask and why did we set this budget? 

As part of the Newhaven Town Deal, we will be improving routes around priority areas in the town.  

You've already made lots of useful points on our Safe Spaces Map - keep them coming.

This consultation specifically helps us decide how to improve the walk along the river (from Riverside North to the Marina) depicted above.

All wayfinding projects should aim to:  Reduce visual ‘noise’ Aim for stress reduction at all times Improve perceptions of safety and cleanliness Enhance sense of place and civic pride Link when appropriate to identified ‘themes'

What will be doing as a result of your feedback?

  • Removing Heras fencing
  • Exploring additional repair, maintenance and decluttering options
  • Making material improvements to semi-circular seating area
  • Improving other seating areas and working with LDC Waste team to consider changes to bin placement / upgrades
  • Carefully considering any planting improvements
  • Working with partner organisations to ensure maintenance, surveillance and strengthen community initiatives - including use of public space for events and advertisement

The above will need to be explored and costed but the following revised and simplified budget has been proposed in response to your feedback. Many of you have suggested that there could be a reduced budget for the works and we will continue with some flexibility - as such, part of the budget is marked for possible reallocation:
Chart showing revised budget

To understand the reasoning behind this and discussion of our findings, please continue reading...



Pavements on West Quay

Ownership is mixed along West Quay and the pavements and paths are used by the fisheries, as well as pedestrians and cyclists. 

There is also some illegal travel by motorised vehicles (including unlicensed e-scooters).

LDC will work with the other landowners to assess the state of ground surfaces and undertake extensive cleaning, including graffiti removal. We will also look at material improvements to walls and other features and look at other measures to reduce antisocial behaviour and damage.

Comments on other areas outside of this project

"Safe foot path from bottom of Fort Rise to around sharp bend to flats."

Access along Fort Rise towards the west promenade is currently poor and this has also been highlighted in our Safe Spaces Map

LDC will be working with ESCC Highways to address this. Sample of Safe Spaces Map

'There are trip hazards all around Newhaven, new pavements are definitely needed'  

We will assess any trip hazards along West Quay. We are also assessing other walkways with relevant landowners in the town and will update you on any planned work as part of this Town Deal funded project. 


Lighting and CCTV


Anti-social behaviour measures and lighting may deter the young people who seem to congregate at night to smash bottles, ruin the plants and push over bins.

West Quay is flooded with light in the evening from the adjacent Port which sets the scene and lighting levels of this area. This is required for navigation of the waterways and industrial operations. As such, we don't believe there would be any sense in considering changes to lighting on the west side of the river. 

However, the lighting within West Quay Car Park is being addressed separately.


There is currently no CCTV along West Quay. We will work with other organisations to understand the implications of installing CCTV in this location.



Seating, Bins and Planting

Area of West Quay with cyclist

Semi-circular seating area

"The cormorant seating area is just a magnet for antisocial behaviour at night."

"It looks like a design after thought. It is a shame to spend money to reverse bad design but there we are."

This area was most recently designed to include flood alleviation infrastructure (i.e. the brick wall with wooden seating). There is also a metal sculpture of a cormorant which was created by local artist, Christian Funnell. 

We will carry out repairs and also develop a scheme to make the surfaces much more attractive and give a sense of place with the use of flint and other high quality and sustainable materials. The scheme will also adapt the seating area to make it more suitable for community use, including space for bicycles to be rested. 

The antisocial behaviour which takes place in this area also needs addressing - redesign will incorporate best practice to try and reduce this. 

"The new planters are looking pretty sad. Who is supposed to be maintaining them?"

As will have been noticed, Newhaven Town Council temporarily placed blue planters in this area (along with other sites in the town) following their need to remove them from the top of the high street. They have been asked to find a permanent home for them and they will be removed from this area in due course. 

There is currently no bin within this area and, as the planters would testify, litter does get left here. We will work with colleagues to find workable solutions.

Other Seating, Bins and Planting


The other seating areas will also be looked at to see if any upgrades, repairs or adjustments are needed. 

"I live locally and like to use the river path to take my toddler out walking and scootering with our dog. Broken glass and dog poo is everywhere making it unhygienic and unsafe. More poo bins might help."

"There could be some improvements to planting along the route." 

No one wants to sit next to a bin with dog poo in it!

"We need drought resistant plants suitable to be near the sea. Look at the display along Bexhill on Sea promenade, tough, low maintenance and very attractive. Constantly replacing annuals is environmentally poor and expensive. "

We have kept planting within the budget. Huggetts Green provides limited opportunity to plant larger trees as the ground is not suitable but there may be some scope for improvements along the walk. 

Area of West Quay

"Maybe a French style coffee van/wagon in one of the recesses where seating is."

If a trader would like to operate in this area, we will help investigate ownership, access and licensing - there are limitations on street trading based on proximity to existing traders.


Decluttering and Artwork

Area of West Quay with cyclist


As indicated in the consultation, the heras fencing is an unsightly feature on the north approach to West Quay. The fencing has remained from work carried out decades ago and we are currently collecting quotes for removal and replacement with a handrail of necessary height to match the rest of the walkway.

"Tidy up and have some better signs around the town."

We intend to remove / replace any other clutter or degraded features. We will also consolidate signage. 


West Quay has views of the river, sea, ferry and other great features. Although we are considering murals within the town, it is not deemed as appropriate within this area of special and historic character.

Murals from Ashford

One feature which we are keen to work with Newhaven Town Council on is to repurpose the banner displays for wider community or artistic use. 

The banners in question currently display the winning entries of an annual photographic competition (Newhaven Unframed). Our proposal is to find a new home for the photographic exhibition and to work together to decide how best to use this space.



Thank you to everyone who submitted budgets and for your comments. 

"Maintain the area!! As an owner resident it is seriously disappointing to see how the area has declined. Along with the deliberate damage by groups of kids."

"I would like to see a children's play facility at the south end of Huggetts Green, and a refreshment/ bike repair concession on the wider path area by the Huggetts path/west quay walkway intersection."

"I think the money, in the main, would be better spent improving other areas in the town."

We appreciate your time and also understand that it isn't ideal to set budgets at such a 'high-level' with no individual unit costs. 

We hope you found our conclusions and responses to be useful and that you will continue to engage with the wayfinding projects as they develop. 

Thank you!

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
