Look Back at - Wayfinding and Public Realm Improvement Scheme - Your Newhaven

This phase of engagement has ended.


Wayfinding and Public Realm Improvement Scheme


Wayfinding and Public Realm Improvement Scheme

"Wayfinding isn’t just about signs. It’s about how people experience a place or a journey."

Newhaven is an industrial town with a centre heavily dominated by the ring road and vehicle traffic, but there is so much more to the town that is already waiting to be discovered or brought back to life. 

Why this scheme?

Why this scheme?

Newhaven's Wayfinding and Public Realm Improvement Scheme will help transform prioritised areas of the tired and cluttered public realm which residents and visitors have grown accustomed to. In its place; appealing and navigable routes that reflect the community and natural landscape.

The scheme should help provide more restorative environments which give a feeling of ease and exploration, moments of 'soft fascination' and a real sense of place. 

On the following pages, we quickly explain how this project has been developed, before sharing details of the 'Actions' which are included in this scheme i.e. what we will be doing, why, where and when.


Newhaven's Wayfinding and Spatial Masterplan

View the Masterplan

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The Masterplan was designed to be the primary reference point for public realm improvement projects in the town and to help ensure that all stakeholders (Lewes District Council, Newhaven Town Council, East Sussex County Council etc.) work together both now and in the future, when more projects can be undertaken. 

The Masterplan identifies four intervention themes subdivided into 33 proposed Actions (projects). Please refer to the Masterplan for more information).

In order to decide which Actions to prioritise, LDC officers were assisted through a series of engagement workshops with local residents.

We have provided an overview of the Actions being developed, divided into three categories:

  1. Quick Wins 
  2. Smaller Projects
  3. Larger Projects

Quick Wins

1. Street Cleaning Machine

The Scheme has enabled match funding to be provided to the Chewing Gum Removal Fund in order to acquire a state-of-the-art steam cleaning machine which will be used to clean the streets of Newhaven. 


This is a fantastic and much needed bit of kit which will help clean and renew pavements, help tackle graffiti and remove chewing gum. 

2. Three Green Spaces - south of the ring road (T1, T2 & T3)

These areas, situated on key connection points for pedestrians around the town centre have deteriorated in quality - this Action will declutter and upgrade with low, maintenance, quality, soft planting and street furniture. None of the three sites are Lewes District Council assets so we are needing to work with relevant landowners and be provided with consent to carry out the work.


3. Information Boards Pilot

A pilot project was delivered to develop the design code and provide place-specific historic information boards in collaboration with Newhaven Historical Society. Feedback on design and materials has been very positive.


4. Look Again Supergraphics Festival

The Look Again Graphic Arts Festival will be held in June 2024. It will produce a legacy trail of specially commissioned supergraphic murals and artworks, as well as uplifting events, workshops, community gatherings and walks for all ages. 

The artwork will be used to tackle undesirable graffiti, unfriendly bare walls and generally make the town centre much more inviting and uplifting. 

For more information, please visit:



Smaller Projects

1. Rationalising Boards and Trails

Newhaven features many existing signs, information / interpretation boards. 

Collectively they present extensive visual and physical clutter.

Individually some are of low quality with little value / purpose. 

This collective Action will rationalise the existing collection of old and extant boards.advertisement

2. Wayfinding at Riverside Park (Pilot) (R4)

Riverside Park is a well-loved nature reserve. It also marks the southern end of the Egret's Way pedestrian and cycle route.

Working with the Ouse Valley Cycle Network and the South Downs National Park Authority, we will make the sense of arrival much more inviting and help orientate visitors towards the centre and onwards to the river and sea.



The route between Riverside Park and Newhaven Ferry Terminal will also be improved - with quality waymarking installed to help orientate cyclists. 

This pilot Action will help inform the system of wayfinding and iconography on key routes identified in the Masterplan.

3. West Quay walking and cycling trail improvements (R1)

This project will help address some of the existing issues along West Quay and make it an even more appealing walking and cycling trail. 

We conducted a survey in 2023 to help understand how best to prioritise work:

Have Your Say Today - Results from West Quay Budgeting Tool - Your Newhaven (commonplace.is) 


Work is due to include:

  • Heras fencing removal - fencing remains in place within unregistered land. It is an eyesore which blocks the view towards the sea and provides a poor first impression of the area.
  • Semi-circular seating – repairs and upgrades to this prominent public space.   
  • Seat, bin and surfacing upgrades – LDC Regen will also request to carry out seating and bin improvements along West Quay. 
  • ·Seating and Information Boards Pilot  - Quick Win already completed.

Larger Projects

1. Transport Interchange Hub Gateway (G1).

G1 should help transform the experience for anyone departing or arriving from the area around Newhaven Town Train Station, Newhaven Ferry Terminal and Railway Quay. 

The area is most immediately a connection point for the Town Centre, Railway Quay and Avis Way (Enterprise Zone sites). Learn more about the Newhaven Enterprise Zone sites here.

The public realm needs to be decluttered, rationalised and upgraded, to provide optimum access, amenity and directional signage.

Accessibility and visibility of Marine Workshops and the Sidings is currently poor and a major hindrance. This will need to be remedied if these newly rejuvenated are to be a success.

2. Combined Town Centre Streetscape Improvements 

Four Actions are being combine as one in the Town Centre. 

Streetscape improvements will rationalise and declutter to make space for a maintenance-friendly, pedestrian-focussed scheme, reinforcing the design coding which is being developed through more minor works. 

This larger work will need to scrutinise and develop the sort of 'Ideas' highlighted in the Masterplan:

  • Sustainable Drainage Systems - rain gardens, street trees and permeable paving.
  • Quality High Street - transformed High Street with high quality, robust and timeless furnishings.
  • Greening and screening - improved planting and boundary treatments
  • Landmarks and bespoke features
  • Pedestrian focussed environments

3. Additional Wayfinding and Signage

There will also be additional signage and waymarking developed to help pedestrians and cyclists navigate and drastically improve the sense of place and quality landmarks. 

This engagement phase has finished

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